We also meet the most demanding requirements with a range of numerous services. Your satisfaction is always our top priority.

Inspection log and expert opinion

    we accompany you in your real estate purchase, calculate what you have to invest, private and court reports, defects, thermal bridges, analysis, mold reports and analysis of humidity, long time measurement, infrared thermal measurement technology

Acceptance of services and trades

If you have problems with your craftsman or services, we are happy to assist you.

Mold analysis by a laboratory

Sampling for a microbiological surface examination is carried out using a so-called contact plate. This consists of a Petri dish with a culture medium content raised over the edge. Due to the raised culture medium, the opened sterile contact plate can be pressed onto any flat surface, whereby the surface germs stick to the culture medium.

All important services from a single source.

With our range of services, we meet a wide variety of requirements.

Are you interested in our services? We are always there for you!

In order to be able to offer you the perfect solution, we need precise information about your requirements. Tell us what you are looking for and you will receive the best possible support.

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